Proteome Factory offers a wide range of advanced products and services for proteomics and protein analysis. Their offerings include :
Proteomics Kits for 1D and 2D Electrophoresis :
- Fluorescence protein gel staining kit (MS compatible)
- High-sensitivity silver staining kit (MS compatible)
- MeCAT reagent for protein quantification via ICP-MS
- MeCAT labeling kit
- Duplex MeCAT labeling kit
- Four-plex MeCAT labeling kit
Proteomics Protein Identification Software :
- SequIt! De novo peptide sequencing software
- PWB Peptide Workbench
Proteomics Automation :
- HT spot picking robot, spotXpress, for protein spot picking from 2D electrophoresis gels
- Protein spot washing robot for preprocessing in enzymatic protein digestion
High-Sensitivity Protein Identification Services: Proteome Factory provides cutting-edge protein identification and characterization services using the latest technologies and instruments. They offer contract research and fee-for-service analysis, enabling customers to gain a competitive advantage in proteomics and protein analysis.
Protein Identification and Characterization :
- Protein identification by MALDI-MSMS
- Protein identification by nanoLC-ESI-MSMS
- Protein identification via de novo peptide sequencing using MSMS
- N-terminal and internal Edman sequencing of proteins and peptides
- Characterization of post-translational modifications (PTMs) and proteins via MS
- Complete sequencing of proteins through mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing
- Protein mass determination
Protein Quantification :
- MeCAT protein quantification by ICP-MS
- Multireaction monitoring (MRM) using heavy peptides
- Western blot
Proteomics Services for Biomarker and Target Identification :
- Proteomics using high-resolution 2D electrophoresis
- MudPit analysis
- Multiplex proteomics using mass tags and isobaric tags with LC-MS and 2DLC-MS